Dragon Dictation

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Eliminate Typing And Writing With Dragon Dictation

From the experts behind the Dragon Naturally Speaking software for your computer, this app is set for your iPhone. Now, using this app, I can speak into my phone and compose text messages and emails right on the spot. Works great for when I am in the car, or when I need to send out a quick message to a friend. If, like me, you’ve ever had trouble hitting the correct keys on your phone then this is a huge help to get out messages faster.

What is also a really cool feature is that I can use this for my social media updates. When I come up with a brilliant Twitter update, I don’t need to worry about typing it out, I just whip out my phone and speak right into the app. Works for Facebook too!

I also use Dragon Dictation for notes. I used to carry around a notebook in my bag for when I came up with a great idea, or had to remember to get something done, now I just speak it into my iPhone and send it right to myself. I don’t have to worry about carrying around anything besides my phone anymore!

Click here to download this app for free!

Dragon Dictation (Best Free Apps)

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