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Gather Feeds Into Your Own Personalized Magazine With Flipboard

I’ve been Flipboard now for a few weeks and it has quickly become one of the first apps I open up on my iPhone and iPad, right after email (and before anything else!).

Simply put, it curates streams, blogs, and websites and creates a magazine. The layout is simple, clean, and takes you through everything that’s shared with you in an easy digestible way. This is the strength of the app, as it looks like you’re reading a well-designed publication. Beautiful!

Ever felt overwhelmed by all the information you’re barraged with on a daily, hourly, and minute-by-minute basis? Flipboard actually makes it enjoyable to consume content. You can browse content from newsfeeds, timelines, Google Reader, Tumblr, Flickr, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.

You set up boards/sections/channels/categories, or whatever to call it, under headings, like Design, Cover Stories, Technology, Travel, and so on. Flipboard then collects streams under these headings and presents them to you. No longer do you need to switch between apps and websites. It’s all there for you.

The interface is intuitive and it’s easy to set up your boards. You can also create a Flipboard account to sync your selections across multiple devices. I end up staying longer in this app than intended because I keep discovering new content that I’d otherwise miss.

Do yourself a favor and get this app for free by clicking this link!

Flipboard (Best Free Apps)

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